VANCOUVER - what a magical place
After two intense and short weeks with my friends in Germany, I landed in Vancouver, Canada and I´m just amazed by that crazy beautiful city and the wonderful people here around.
I have the feeling, nearly everybody is happy and show this ... also in little things in there daily life... everybody help each other, have a smile for everyone and you can just talk to any stranger... really open and relaxed people.
So here is some impressions of my first 2 days of Vancouver =)
Fortaleza the holy Montain
Last night my friend Alex Sowilo and me slept on the top of the holy Lacaleza at an attitude of 1100 meter direct on the abyss=) was a phenomenal happy that we did it.... video with time-lapse is coming soon;)
The Goat-Cage
Hello Guys...
after 3 months not writing my blog, i finally found some time now to continue and i will go on with writing from now be excited :D
So the last 3 months I just travelled around in Europe from Rome, Pisa and Milano in Italy I went to Paris, from Paris to Nice where I wanted to stay for a while to learn french.... but after 10 nice days, I decided to go from Montpellier by hitch hiking to Barcelona in Spain to take a flight to the canary-Island....
So finally I live on La Gomera since 3 weeks with a really small budget which I refill sometimes when I sell my Drawings on the streets or I busk.
I will stay 1 Month more now on the canaries till my money is gone.... and with the last money I will take a flight to Canada to work three months there as a fruit picker and I´m fucking excited for that new adventure;)
Here are some Pictures of the last soon
the last 2 days, we flew out of Kuta to a Island called Flores in the east. From there we took a ferry to Rinca and slept one night on the Dragon´s island...we saw beautiful nature, landscape and of course the Komodo-dragons;)
still in Kuta, Bali
we found a really nice place, where we can hang out and calm down even when it´s little bit crowded and touristic in Kuta... There we met Rik from Netherlands again and 2 wonderful french girls... and yes we definitely had awesome time with them=)... really glad that we met them=)
Kuta, Bali
after we drove 15 hours with the train from Jogjakarta to Banyuwangi, we arrived save in Kuta, Bali=)
Suaud - the tea seller
I met this fascinating man in Jogjakarta on the streets, where he sells ginger tea.
Kuala Lumpur
at the moment I´m just hang out in KL to work on some interviews and to wait for my flight to Java tomorrow;)
special people
after the mountains, we went back to Kota Kinabalu to spent some awesome time with new friends=) are some moments of the last month;)
lost in clouds
pepe and me fled out of the hot dirty city of Kota Kinabalu up to Kundasang to cure our bodies;) its cloudy rainy and fresh but the air feels really clean at an attitude of 1500m
I hope to get some nice time-lapse of Mt. Kinabalu the next days;)
Kota Kinabalu
as we arrived on Borneo we met some great locals in KK... one of them (Rndy) counts himself to the Iban-tribe.... finally we had a really cool time with them and pepe tattooed them... ;)
somewhere in the andaman sea...
...sorry, we have to keep this place as a secret...
all i can say is that maybe this place is one of the last paradise islands with nearly no tourism in thailand and that we met wonderful people there=)